Check that the coverage info is in the GDS. By default, it will look for the DP and AD info in the FORMAT field.
Extract coverage information from a GDS file
genotypes.metadata.check = FALSE,
stacks.haplo.check = FALSE,
dart.check = FALSE
individuals = TRUE,
markers = TRUE,
dp = TRUE,
ad = TRUE,
coverage.stats = c("sum", "mean", "median", "iqr"), = 1,
verbose = TRUE,
parallel.core = TRUE
The gds object.
(optional, logical) Look for already extracted coverage information in the
radiator genotypes_metadata field of the GDS.
Default: genotypes.metadata.check = FALSE
(optional, logical) stacks haplotypes VCF header is
baddly generated. It will say you have Read and allele Depth info, but you don't.
Default: stacks.haplo.check = FALSE
(optional, logical) DArT have different reporting for coverage
information. Will no longer report the average coverage stats from 1 and 2-rows DArT format.
Default: dart.check = FALSE
(optional, logical) Default: individuals = TRUE
(optional, logical) Default: markers = TRUE
(optional, logical) Default: dp = TRUE
(optional, logical) Default: ad = TRUE
(optional, character string). Choice of stats to use with
Default: coverage.stats = c("sum", "mean", "median", "iqr")
(optional, double) Default: = 1
The subsample proportion used (e.g. 0.3 or none the default).
(optional, logical) When verbose = TRUE
the function is a little more chatty during execution.
Default: verbose = TRUE
(optional) The number of core used for parallel
execution during import.
Default: parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1