The function will filter the markers by keeping only those
in common between all strata
(population or any groupings defined in STRATA
Filter targets: SNPs
Statistics: strata genotyping rate per SNPs
Used internally in radiator and might be of interest for users who wants to keep only markers in common.
filter.common.markers = TRUE,
fig = FALSE,
parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
verbose = FALSE,
(4 options) A file or object generated by radiator:
tidy data
Genomic Data Structure (GDS)
How to get GDS and tidy data ?
Look into tidy_genomic_data
(optional, logical)
Default: filter.common.markers = TRUE
(optional, logical) fig = TRUE
will produce an
UpSet fig to visualize the number
of markers between populations. The package is required for this to work...
Default: fig = FALSE
(optional) The number of core used for parallel
execution during import.
Default: parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1
(optional, logical) verbose = TRUE
to be chatty
during execution.
Default: verbose = FALSE
(optional) To pass further arguments for fine-tuning the function and legacy arguments.
A list with the filtered input, whitelist and blacklist of markers..