Used internally in radiator and might be of interest for users. The function tidy_fstat reads a file in the fstat file (Goudet, 1995) into a wide or long/tidy data frame

To manipulate and prune the dataset prior to tidying, use the functions tidy_genomic_data and genomic_converter, that uses blacklist and whitelist along several other filtering options.

tidy_fstat(data, strata = NULL, tidy = TRUE, filename = NULL)



A fstat filename with extension .dat.


(optional) A tab delimited file with 2 columns. Header: INDIVIDUALS and STRATA. The STRATA column can be any hierarchical grouping. To create a strata file see individuals2strata. Default: strata = NULL.


(optional, logical) With tidy = FALSE, the markers are the variables and the genotypes the observations (wide format). With the default: tidy = TRUE, markers and genotypes are variables with their own columns (long format).


(optional) The file name for the tidy data frame written to the working directory. Default: filename = NULL, the tidy data is in the global environment only (i.e. not written in the working directory).


The output in your global environment is a wide or long/tidy data frame. If filename is provided, the wide or long/tidy data frame is also written to the working directory.


Goudet J. (1995). FSTAT (Version 1.2): A computer program to calculate F-statistics. Journal of Heredity 86:485-486

See also


Thierry Gosselin


if (FALSE) {
# We will use the fstat dataset provided with adegenet package

# The simplest form of the function:
fstat.file <- radiator::tidy_fstat(
    data = system.file(
    package = "hierfstat"

# To output a data frame in wide format, with markers in separate columns:
nancycats.wide <- radiator::tidy_fstat(
    data = system.file(
        package = "hierfstat"
tidy = FALSE