The function computes Paetkau's et al. (1997) genotype likelihood ratio distance (Dlr).
plots = FALSE,
filename = NULL,
parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1
The output assignment file (home likelihood or likelihood ratio statistics) from GENODIVE.
A tab delimited file with 2 columns with header:
column is used here as the populations id of your sample.
(optional) Generate Dlr plots for all the pairwise populations
in the dataset. The plots are ggplot2
objects that can be modified with
the proper ggplot2
syntax. Default: plots = FALSE
(optional) Name of the file prefix for the matrix and the table written in the working directory.
(optional) The number of core for parallel computation.
Default: parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1
A list with 5 objects:
the assignment results ($assignment),
the dlr pairwise table ($dlr.table),
the lower diagonal dlr distance matrix ($dlr.dist),
a data.frame with the dlr distance mirrored ($dlr.matrix),
the list of dlr plots ($dlr.plots)
Paetkau D, Slade R, Burden M, Estoup A (2004) Genetic assignment methods for the direct, real-time estimation of migration rate: a simulation-based exploration of accuracy and power. Molecular Ecology, 13, 55-65.
Paetkau D, Waits LP, Clarkson PL, Craighead L, Strobeck C (1997) An empirical evaluation of genetic distance statistics using microsatellite data from bear (Ursidae) populations. Genetics, 147, 1943-1957.
Meirmans PG, Van Tienderen PH (2004) genotype and genodive: two programs for the analysis of genetic diversity of asexual organisms. Molecular Ecology Notes, 4, 792-794.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
dlr <- assigner::dlr(
data = "assignment.gdv", strata = "my.strata.tsv", plots = TRUE)
# to get the plots list:
plot.list <- dlr$dlr.plots
# access and isolate in different object a plot with $
} # }