If the system is Mac, or Windows, this function will download a precompiled binary from GitHub. In other cases, or if fromSource == TRUE, this function will attempt to download the source code and compile the program from source and install it.

  commit = "080f462c8eff035fa3e9f2fdce26c3ac013e208a",
  fromSource = FALSE



The full SHA-1 hash from GitHub from which to get the binary or source


If TRUE, download source, even if a binary is available. If FALSE, then it will download a precompiled binary, if available. If a binary is not available, then it will attempt to download the source.


If this function fails, then you can just compile gsi_sim by going to GITHUB_URL and compiling it yourself and naming the executable gsi_sim and putting it at the location specified by the function gsi_sim_binary_path.