Prepare working environment

rm(list = ls())
if (!require("pak")) install.packages("pak")
assigner::install_gsi_sim(fromSource = TRUE)

Prepare whitelists

  • Gather your whitelist in a single folder
  • Get the list of these file in a string with the command below:
all.whitelists <- list.files(path = "~/Desktop/whitelists_salmon", pattern = "whitelist")
all.whitelists # to see if the whitelists are all there

Create a function to run your assignment

  • Here the goal is to have a the argument you need selected
  • The only argument that will change will be the whitelist
  • you could have multiple arguments changing at the same time, but for simplicity, let’s start with just one
whitelists_assigner <- function(x) {
  res <- assigner::assignment_ngs(
    data = "subset_melville_salmon.tsv", #change for what you want
    whitelist.markers = x, # don't change this one,
    assignment.analysis = "adegenet", #change for what you want
    common.markers = TRUE,#change for what you want
    marker.number = "all",# I think you get the idea...
    pop.levels = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11),
    sampling.method = "random",
    iteration.method = 1,
    keep.gsi.files = FALSE

Run the assignment

  • The trick here is to map these whitelists to your new function whitelists_assigner
  • The results are in a list easily managed by R
  • The purrr package is awesome for this, it’s very similar to the lapply function, only better.
  • If you have access to a MAC or a LINUX cluster, you could just replace the purrr::map function to parallel::mclapply
salmon.assignment.res <- purrr::map(
.x = all.whitelists, # your whitelist created above
.f = whitelists_assigner # your new function