The function calculates for diploid genomes the classic Nei's Gst (1987), Nei's G'st (prime), that comes with a correction for the bias that stems from sampling a limited number of populations. Also calculated is Jost's D, an index of population differentiation that is independent of the amount of within-population diversity (Jost, 2008). Both overall and pairwise Fst can be estimated with confidence intervals based on bootstrap of markers (resampling with replacement). The function should give identical results at the 4th decimal when tested against genet.dist in hierfstat and with the Fst computed in Calculate Distances or GenoDive. The fastest computation is still GenoDive, but here, the R solution computes confidence intervals and it's very fast. The computations takes advantage of tidyverse packages and parallel. The impact of unbalanced design on estimates can be tested by using the subsample argument.

Special concerns for genome-wide estimate and filtering bias

During computation, the function first starts by keeping only the polymorphic markers in common between the populations. Keep this in mind when filtering your markers to use this function characteristic strategically to get better genome-wide estimate. This is even more important when your project involves more than 2 populations that evolved more by neutral processes (e.g. genetic drift) than by natural selection (see the vignette for more details).

  pop.levels = NULL,
  pop.labels = NULL,
  strata = NULL,
  holdout.samples = NULL,
  pairwise = FALSE,
  ci = FALSE, = 100, = c(0.025, 0.975),
  subsample = NULL,
  iteration.subsample = 1,
  digits = 9,
  parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
  verbose = FALSE,



A file in the working directory or object in the global environment in wide or long (tidy) formats. To import, the function uses internally radiator tidy_wide. See details for more info.

How to get a tidy data frame ? radiator tidy_genomic_data can transform 11 genomic data formats in a tidy data frame (VCF, PLINK, genind, genlight, gtypes, genepop, stacks haplotype file, hierfstat, ...). You can also use this function to filter your dataset using whitelist of markers, blacklist of individuals and genotypes.


(optional, string) This refers to the levels in a factor. In this case, the id of the pop. Use this argument to have the pop ordered your way instead of the default alphabetical or numerical order. e.g. pop.levels = c("QUE", "ONT", "ALB") instead of the default pop.levels = c("ALB", "ONT", "QUE"). Default: pop.levels = NULL.


(optional, string) Use this argument to rename/relabel your pop or combine your pop. e.g. To combine "QUE" and "ONT" into a new pop called "NEW": (1) First, define the levels for your pop with pop.levels argument: pop.levels = c("QUE", "ONT", "ALB"). (2) then, use pop.labels argument: pop.levels = c("NEW", "NEW", "ALB").#' To rename "QUE" to "TAS": pop.labels = c("TAS", "ONT", "ALB"). Default: pop.labels = NULL. If you find this too complicated, there is also the strata argument that can do the same thing, see below.


(optional) A tab delimited file with 2 columns with header: INDIVIDUALS and STRATA. If a strata file is specified, the strata file will have precedence over any grouping found input file (data). The STRATA column can be any hierarchical grouping. Default: strata = NULL.


(optional) Samples that don't participate in the Fst computation (supplementary). Data frame with one column INDIVIDUALS. Default: holdout.samples = NULL.


(logical, optional) With pairwise = TRUE, the pairwise NEI87 Fst is calculated between populations. Default: pairwise = FALSE.


(logical, optional) Compute bootstrapped confidence intervals. Default: ci = FALSE.

(integer, optional) The number of iterations for the boostraps (resampling with replacement of markers). Default: = 100.

(double, optional) The quantiles for the bootstrapped confidence intervals. Default: = c(0.025,0.975).


(Integer or character) With subsample = 36, 36 individuals in each populations are chosen randomly to represent the dataset. With subsample = "min", the minimum number of individual/population found in the data is used automatically. Default is no subsampling, subsample = NULL.


(Integer) The number of iterations to repeat subsampling. With subsample = 20 and iteration.subsample = 10, 20 individuals/populations will be randomly chosen 10 times. Default: iteration.subsample = 1.


(optional, integer) The number of decimal places to be used in results. Default: digits = 9.


(optional) The number of core for parallel computation of pairwise Fst. If not selected detectCores() - 1 is used as default.


(logical, optional) verbose = TRUE to be chatty during execution. Default: verbose = FALSE.


other parameters passed to the function.


The function returns a list with several objects. When sumsample is selected the objects end with .subsample.

  • $subsampling.individuals: the combinations of individuals and subsamples,

  • $fst.markers: Nei's Gst, Nei's G'st and Jost's D by markers,

  • $fst.ranked: Nei's Gst, Nei's G'st and Jost's D by markers ranked by Nei's Gst,

  • $fst.overall: the overall Nei's Gst, Nei's G'st and Jost's D by markers with confidence intervals.

  • $fis.markers: the fis by markers,

  • $fis.overall: the mean fis overall markers with confidence intervals and the number of markers,

  • $fst.plot: the histogram of the overall G'st per markers,

  • $pairwise.fst: pairwise Nei's Gst, Nei's G'st and Jost's D in long/tidy data frame and the number of markers ,

  • $pairwise.fst.upper.matrix: the pairwise fst prime in a upper triangle matrix,

  • $pairwise.fst.full.matrix: the pairwise fst prime matrix (duplicated upper and lower triangle),

  • $ matrix with pairwise fst prime in the upper triangle and the confidence intervals in the lower triangle.

  • when subsample is selected $pairwise.fst.subsample.mean is a summary of all pairwise comparisons subsample. The mean is calculated accross summary statistics.


Input data:

To discriminate the long from the wide format, the function radiator tidy_wide searches for MARKERS or LOCUS in column names (TRUE = long format). The data frame is tab delimitted. Wide format: The wide format cannot store metadata info. The wide format starts with these 2 id columns: INDIVIDUALS, POP_ID (that refers to any grouping of individuals), the remaining columns are the markers in separate columns storing genotypes.

Long/Tidy format: The long format is considered to be a tidy data frame and can store metadata info. (e.g. from a VCF see radiator tidy_genomic_data). A minimum of 4 columns are required in the long format: INDIVIDUALS, POP_ID, MARKERS or LOCUS and GENOTYPE or GT. The rest are considered metata info.

2 genotypes formats are available: 6 characters no separator: e.g. 001002 of 111333 (for heterozygote individual). 6 characters WITH separator: e.g. 001/002 of 111/333 (for heterozygote individual). The separator can be any of these: "/", ":", "_", "-", ".".

How to get a tidy data frame ? radiator tidy_genomic_data can transform 6 genomic data formats in a tidy data frame.


Negative Fst are technical artifact of the computation (see Roesti el al. 2012) and are automatically replaced with zero inside this function.

Why no p-values ?

There is no null hypothesis testing with P-values. Confidence intervals provided with the F-statistics enables more reliable conclusions about the biological trends in the data.


Nei M. (1987) Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. Columbia University Press

Meirmans PG, Van Tienderen PH (2004) genotype and genodive: two programs for the analysis of genetic diversity of asexual organisms. Molecular Ecology Notes, 4, 792-794.

Roesti M, Salzburger W, Berner D. (2012) Uninformative polymorphisms bias genome scans for signatures of selection. BMC Evol Biol., 12:94. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05509.x

Jost L. (2008) G(ST) and its relatives do not measure differentiation. Molecular Ecology. 17: 4015-4026.

See also

From GenoDive manual: 'In general, rather than to test differentiation between all pairs of populations, it is adviseable to perform an overall test of population differentiation, possibly using a hierarchical population structure, (see AMOVA)'

To compute an AMOVA, use GenoDive


Link for GenoDive

For Fisher's exact test and p-values per markers see mmod diff_test.

tidy_genomic_data to transform numerous genomic data format in tidy data frames.


Thierry Gosselin
